This 3,000-square foot home is nestled into a wooded setting in Michigan, mindfully occupying the space between the ground and the tree canopy. Designed by Mathison | Mathison Architects, the residence is deeply rooted in sustainability – from its placement and orientation to materials and features, including SIPS panels, triplepane windows, solar roof panels, and a live green roof for thermal mass and to control runoff. Sansin’s low-VOC finishes protect the Kayu wood decks at the front and back of the home that seamlessly link the indoor and outdoor spaces. KP-12 UVW, which provides UV and water repellence, was applied as the first coat. To enhance protection and build a low-luster, natural finish, two coats of custom-tinted SDF Topcoat were applied as the finish coats. Supplied by Rollie Williams Paint Spot, Sansin Dealer in Grand Rapids.

Precision Coat KP-12
Adaptable wood protection for industrial applications.
Dramatically improves topcoat performance for timbers, dimensional laminated lumber and engineered wood, while also protecting wood during construction. Can be used as the first coat of an architectural coating system.

SDF Topcoat
Enhanced protection in either clear or solid color.
For additional protection, topcoat with this clear base tinted to your project specifications. Enhances base coats with a more saturated, finish in either clear or solid color formulas.