The world’s first ‘Class A’ flame spread protection in one coat.
As the popularity of wood as a building material continues to grow – for both residential and multi-story building projects – both architects and contractors have been waiting for a wood coating that offers fire protection as well as showcasing the beauty of wood. Although wood has natural charring properties, Sansin offers both Class ‘A’ and Class ‘B’ Flame protection.
FireStop99 is a clear, low-VOC wood toned finish designed to intumesce in the presence of heat and flame. Sansin FireStop® 99 is the ultimate flame spread protection in a beautiful interior wood finish and provides “Class A” flame spread protection that conforms to ASTM E84 and Canadian Standard CAN/ULC S-102-M88.
FireStop97 features the same flame spread protection in one coat, but is available in a solid color finish. Sansin FireStop® 97 is available in white, pastel or light-colored wood tones and provides “Class A” flame spread protection that conforms to ASTM E84 and Canadian Standard CAN/ULC S-102-M88.

Solid color fire protection.
“Class A” flame spread protection that conforms to ASTM E84 and Canadian Standard CAN/ULC S-102-M88. Self-priming, durable.

Clear wood toned fire protection.
“Class A” flame spread protection that conforms to ASTM E84 and Canadian Standard CAN/ULC S-102-M88. Tintable, low-VOC.

Class “B” flame protection for interior and exterior non-exposed surfaces.
Available in standard and architectural custom colors.