Sansin Purity Nature’s Oil: Penetrating oil for timbers, furniture, floors and other interiors
A concentrated, low VOC traditional oil finish.
For a natural finish, use Nature’s Oil inside your home. After all, there’s nothing warmer or more inviting than the feeling of hand-rubbed wood. Simply apply and polish this penetrating oil into wood. Just one coat delivers a rich, uniform lustre that protects and defines the wood color and character, allowing the grain to shine through. Use concentrated or dilute, as needed.
Purity Nature’s Oil is non grain raising, environmentally friendly, low in VOC’s and high in solids.
A long open time means you can work the finish to create exactly the look you want. A second coat of Nature’s Oil may be applied at any time to maintain a beautiful low luster finish.
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View the Sansin Purity Natures Oil Product Data Sheet (PDF) for information about application, preparation, maintenance, and more.
View the Safety Data Sheet (PDF).