Located in a rapidly growing neighborhood in Mississauga near Toronto, the Churchill Meadows Community Centre, designed by MJMA Architecture & Design, uses Canadian-made mass timber products as the focal point of the design. The glulam columns and CLT timber beams, manufactured by Sansin partner Nordic, reinforce the community connection to nature and to the park beyond. Along the full length of the park side of the building, the glulam columns link the inside to the outside, enabling visitors to look out through a forest of mass timber columns into the natural setting. The columns also extend outward to form a generous overhang, which provides shade for the playground and splash pad, as well as shelter for bicycle parking and the promenade around the building. The overhang is not only beautiful, it also filters sunlight, similar to a tree canopy, reducing the building’s energy consumption. The glulam and CLT feature stairs were protected with a complete system of Sansin’s architectural finishes, including: KP-12 UVW, SDF Topcoat (in ivory) and Precision Coat Topcoat (clear). The architect uses Sansin for its durability, breathability, and sustainability benefits.
Precision Coat KP-12
Adaptable wood protection for industrial applications.
Dramatically improves topcoat performance for timbers, dimensional laminated lumber and engineered wood, while also protecting wood during construction. Can be used as the first coat of an architectural coating system.
Precision Coat SDF Topcoat
Enhanced protection offering a satin finish.
SDF Topcoat is a durable topcoat system that can be applied to any SDF base coat system – for substrates including siding, logs, and timbers.